

Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"

Industry 4.0: The Authentication of Things within the Internet of Things – PKI as a Solution Approach

Feature "Encryption"

Industry 4.0: The Authentication of Things within the Internet of Things – PKI as a Solution Approach

Klaus M. Brisch, LL.M. and Marco Müller-ter Jung, LL.M., from DWF Germany, shed light on the question whether a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in compliance with the security infrastructure implemented by the electronic signature legislation is suitable to establish a secure authentication within the Internet of Things. Numerous applications depend on the communication between different devices and their ability to interact with each other.

Blockchain-based Solutions and IT/Cyber Security for Autonomous Driving – Legal Barriers

Feature "Blockchain"

Blockchain-based Solutions and IT/Cyber Security for Autonomous Driving – Legal Barriers

The great complexity of the technical processes used in connected and autonomous cars leads to complex legal requirements. Two attorneys-at-law from DWF Germany, Klaus M. Brisch and Marco Müller-ter Jung, explore the raft of associated implications – spanning contract and liability issues to issues of IT and data security – and conclude that legal innovations at European level might enhance further technical progress.

Industry Insights "Company Security"

Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"

Industry Insights "Artificial Intelligence"

Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"