Data Protection & Privacy

Feature "Security"
Digital Security, Trust & Consumer Protection – Call for Contributions

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Germany: Land of Data Protection and Security – But Why?
Understanding the German mentality to data protection and data privacy is fundamental to doing successful business in the country
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
What's New in eco February 2017

Feature "Quantum Computing"
Quantum Computing and the Future of Encryption
Quantum computing may still be some years from its breakthrough, but we should be preparing now for security in the post-quantum era

Feature "E-Health"
Ambient Assisted Living in the Zelia Project: Lessons Learned
Matteo Cagnazzo, if(is), on monitoring power consumption as a non-invasive monitoring system to aid independent living

Feature "E-Health"
Reigning in Toddler Technology – Making E-health Safe
E-health is still in its infancy – how can we ensure that the benefits are not outweighed by the risks to life, limb and privacy?
Industry Insights "E-Health"
Securing Intelligent Healthcare
Who Wants to Get Hold of Your Health Data?
Open and Secure Communication Platforms for Cooperation and Innovation
Ambient Assisted Living in the Zelia Project: Lessons Learned
Alternative Authentication Approach to Medical Devices
Hospitals in the Focus of Cyber Criminals

Feature "Blockchain"
Security and Privacy in Blockchain Environments
Matteo Cagnazzo and Chris Wojzechowski, both researchers at the Institute for Internet Security, explore how security and privacy can be enhanced by blockchain technology.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
The GAFAM Cloud Risks: Why Consumers need European Alternatives
Privacy deficits and control of data: Jan Oetjen, GMX CEO, outlines why everyone should carefully consider which cloud services they use.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
How a European AI Can Succeed
Jan Oetjen, CEO of GMX on unlocking Europe‘s AI potential: Overcoming data challenges and shaping the future.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Data Sovereignty: Does the Use of My Data Always Require My Consent?
Martin Przewloka of msg Group explores data ownership, data sovereignty, and issues with consent and anonymization of personal data.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence in Business"
AI-Driven Customer Communication: Automating Customer Dialogue with the moinAI Chatbot
AI systems process huge amounts of data every day, for training purposes and to provide answers to user queries. In many cases, AI systems process personal data. Falk Weinreich, General Manager Central Europe at OVHcloud, outlines why data needs to be securely hosted with high security standards in Europe, using the German chatbot moinAI as a case study.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Protecting Your Business: Data Security Strategies for Circular IT Hardware
With more companies turning to circular IT hardware as a sustainable solution, Ynvolve’s Thomas Amberg explains why securing data on refurbished systems is vital for protecting sensitive information and maintaining trust.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
SIWECOS - Secure Websites and Content Management Systems
While content management systems regularly release security updates, end users often seem disinclined to use them. David Jardin, founder and Chief Executive Officer of djumla, looks at the implications of this behavior and explains how the SIWECOS service can help web hosters to protect against cyber attacks.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Management Responsibility for Information Security
Prof. Thomas Jaeschke from Datatree explains the importance of management awareness in increasing information security and data protection in companies.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
GDPR Compliance of Companies: Challenges in the Use of Cloud Services
Ensuring compliancy with data protection requirements such as the GDPR for data storage and processing is challenging. Stefanie Köhl and Heidrun Müller from eGovCD explore how approved rules of conduct can be a cost-effective alternative to certification.

Feature "IT Law"
Smart Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Law
What does the use of AI and the sharing of data along value chains mean for liability, accountability and data protection? The Fieldfisher technology law experts Oliver Süme and Nils Töllner outline the legal framework for robotics, AI and data analytics.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Cyber Security & Data Protection in Japan
In Japan as elsewhere, the attack behavior is becoming more sophisticated: Professor Koji Nakao, an eminent Japanese IT security specialist, talks to dotmagazine about differences and similarities in cyber security trends, and about how we need to collaborate to present a counter-measure to cyber threats.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
The Fairy Tale of Transparent Data Protection
Particularly in times of data theft, the GDPR, and increasing digitalization, data protection is becoming more and more important for society at large. Yannick Schneeweiss from Hornetsecurity looks at how to increase the level of data protection of online services without making them too complicated for the user.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
EU-US Privacy Shield from the US Perspective
David Snead, Co-Founder, Board Member & Policy Working Group Chair of the i2Coalition, offers insight into how European data protection is perceived on the other side of the Atlantic, and gives an update on the implementation of the EU-US Privacy Shield.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Bringing Registered Post Securely into the 21st Century
In 2011, the ‘Registered Mailing’ service ‘Aangetekend Mailen’ was launched with the intention of replacing the physical mailing process in small and large organizations with digital processes. Continuity and security are critical factors here, as are reliable partners that help ensure the highest quality service. Wouter van den Brink from ‘Aangetekend Mailen’ explains how the system works and how they are supported by infrastructure partner BIT.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Finland & Data Protection – Data Highways, Clouds, and Hyperscalers
Finland may be small, but it’s not slow: Jani Moilanen, CEO of Herman IT, talks to dotmagazine about the Finnish cloud production hub, preparedness for the GDPR, and local ICT innovations.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Building Easy and Open Online Identities with DomainID
Social media accounts are becoming common identifiers for logging on to 3rd party websites. But what happens if you want to delete your Facebook account? Vittorio Bertola introduces a new framework for open online identities.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Data Protection in Software Development
With the GDPR now in force in the EU, it is now not only a question of ensuring compliance in company processes, but also in the software being used. Dr. Judith Nink from eyeo, on developing data-protection compliant software, and the relationship between data protection and IT security.

Feature "GDPR"
Designation of an EU Data Protection Representative
For companies engaged in large-scale monitoring or dealing with sensitive personal data in Europe, getting to grips with the forthcoming GDPR will be on the top of their list of New Year's resolutions. Clarissa Benner, Attorney and Data Protection Specialist at eco, shares information on what supports are available to help companies make the necessary adaptations.

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Multi Cloud Management – Trends and Challenges for Enterprises
Today, the question is not so much about whether companies are using cloud computing, but about how they are using it. A survey by Crisp Research and QSC on “Hybrid- and multi-cloud services among mid-sized companies in Germany” offers a key insight: Businesses are increasingly implementing multi-cloud structures, as Marc Sundermann from QSC shows.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Email Tracking and EU Privacy Laws
Stephan Zimprich from Fieldfisher offers ESPs, advertisers, publishers & technology vendors an overview of the challenges concerning email tracking and email advertising in Europe.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Security & Privacy Champions Bringing Awareness to Teams
Peter Meyer from eyeo explains why the world needs more champions, and the value of approaching security and data protection at the team level.

Feature "DDoS"
The Dangers of DDoS Overconfidence
Chris Townsley, EMEA Director at CDNetworks, discusses the rising threat of DDoS attacks, and the misplaced confidence of European businesses in their ability to overcome cyber attacks.

Feature "Blockchain"
Blockchain and Data Protection Law: When Anonymous Data Becomes Personal
Data processing on a blockchain is widely perceived to be completely anonymous and therefore “immune” to data protection laws – which are applicable only for processing of personal data. However, this perceived immunity is not at all absolute – rather, data processing on a blockchain may fall under data protection laws. Lawyers Natalie Eichler and Thorsten Jansen demonstrate some current and future applications of blockchain technology where data protection laws may in fact apply.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Data Protection for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Marco Müller-ter Jung from DWF Law looks at what data protection means for the development of new services in the area of the connected and autonomous car.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
EU-US Privacy Shield from the European Perspective
The EU/US Privacy Shield, one of the most important instruments for legally compliant data transfer between the EU and the US, is being challenged in the EU. dotmagazine spoke to Oliver Süme, Partner at Fieldfisher and Chair of the eco Association, about the European perspective, the importance of the agreement, and the current challenges to transatlantic data flows.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Emailing – The Good Guys, The Bad Guys and Dysfunctional Relationships
Finding the balance between the desire to get your marketing message out and your need to keep your target customers happy can be difficult. Being one of the good guys is important in overcoming the somewhat dysfunctional relationship between email and marketing, according to Vittorio Bertola from Open-Xchange. Vittorio spoke to dotmagazine on the value of open source, the upcoming changes to EU data protection law, and how not to alienate your customers.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Artificial Intelligence and the Law: What AI Users in SMEs Should Know
As long as there are no AI regulations, the requirements can only be derived from the applicable laws, according to Dr. Lutz M. Keppeler, specialist lawyer for IT law, in an interview with Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "Email"
How to Find the Right Email Service Provider
Sending quality marketing emails is about more than just a pretty design – and finding the right service provider is an important step, says Sebastian Kluth from the CSA.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Data Protection: “The obligations and the liability risk are increasing”
On 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force. Dr. Katharina Küchler, Attorney at Law for eco Professional Services, offers an overview of what email marketers, senders and contracted data processors affected by the regulation can expect.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
The AI Privacy Dilemma
Can we have advanced efficient Artificial Intelligence while protecting digital privacy? Rainer Sträter from 1&1 IONOS and Dr. Leif-Nissen Lundbæk from Xayn give us their answer.

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Data Protection in the Age of Digitalization - An Opportunity for Europe or an Offside Trap?
The fine line between protection and incapacitating society: Andreas Weiss, Director of EuroCloud Deutschland, looks at the ongoing debate on data protection and data security, cloud computing, and the impact of digitalization – and when too much defense hampers success.

Feature "Security"
Smartphones as Wallet for the Future?
Christian Lueg from ESET sheds light on what our smartphone knows about us, and how to improve privacy and security on it.

Feature "GDPR"
Data Audits – the Key to GDPR Compliance
Data audits deliver key insight into what a company and its employees are doing in the cloud. Kristina Vervoort, Regional Sales Director for the DACH Region at Netskope, explains exactly how these data audits help a company determine whether their cloud services are GDPR-compliant or not.

Feature "IoT"
How to Choose the Right IoT Platform for Your Needs
IoT specialist and Director of IoT at the eco Association, Dr. Bettina Horster, from VIVAI Software, explains the questions companies need to ask when choosing an IoT platform, and offers tips and criteria for decision-makers.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
The Internet Industry in the Wake of the GDPR
How will the forthcoming GDPR affect the different areas of the Internet industry and digital business? dotmagazine takes a brief look at how different segments of the Internet industry will be affected, and how the eco Association is working to support members as we near the end of the implementation period.
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
Digital Infrastructure – The Unsung Hero
What's New in eco February 2018

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Fake Shops: Tips for Safe Xmas Shopping
Fake Internet sales platforms are popping up all over the place in December, the strongest month for online sales. Peter Meyer, Head of Cyber Security Services at eco, provides advice on how consumers can recognize fake shops and avoid the heartache of being ripped off this Christmas.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
SIWECOS - Secure Websites and Content Management Systems

Feature "Email Marketing"
How Not to Get Your Fingers Burned When Sending Commercial Emails
The legal team of the CSA Complaints Office looks at the importance of consent, documentation, and opting in and out for senders of commercial emails.
Industry Insights "Email Marketing"
How to Find the Right Email Service Provider

Feature "GDPR"
No Need to Fear the GDPR
A recent representative survey of 600 marketing decision-makers shows that implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation – in force from May 25 2018 – is still a work in progress.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
GDPR Two Years On: Companies Still Facing Uncertainty
eco Legal Counsel Clarissa Benner takes stock of two years of the GDPR and explains why companies are still facing uncertainties with its implementation.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
The Proposed EU E-Privacy Regulation
Electronic Communications, Technological Neutrality, and Consent for Cookies: Hot on the heels of the GDPR, the European Union is working towards a sister regulation, the ePrivacy Regulation. In this video interview, Oliver Süme, Chair of the eco Association, explains the current status of the legislation and what companies need to be prepared for.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Data Protection and Blockchain
Data protection plays a major role in many blockchain-based project ideas, and presents issues which are not always easy to resolve, as Stephan Zimprich, Leader of the eco Competence Group Blockchain, explains.
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
The Tricky Task of Separating the Legitimate from the Illegal Use of Crypto Mining

Feature "Company Security"
12 Steps to Successful Information Security Management for SMEs
Carsten Marmulla and Simon Decker from carmasec GmbH & Co. KG offer a new approach for SMEs that are facing the uphill battle of getting their company ready for ISM certification.
Industry Insights "Company Security"
Security & Privacy Champions Bringing Awareness to Teams
How to Succeed Online when Launching or Renaming a Brand

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Who’s Naughty Now? Can Santa’s Business Model Survive the GDPR?
Santa himself will not be able to avoid dealing with the forthcoming EU GDPR – even being based at the North Pole won’t change anything. Judith Ellis looks at what data processes Santa will need to change before next Christmas.
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
Blockchain and Data Protection Law: When Anonymous Data Becomes Personal
Building Easy and Open Online Identities with DomainID

Feature "Email: Trust & Challenges"
Email Marketing Without Breaking the Law: Consent, Honesty and Transparency are Key
Massive fines are looming for email marketers that disrespect EU data protection law. Rosa Hafezi, Attorney at eco’s Certified Senders Alliance, explains how senders of email marketing can avoid the traps and keep their bank balance and reputation in good order.
Industry Insights "Email: Trust & Challenges"
Data Protection: “The obligations and the liability risk are increasing”
The Challenges of Fighting Phishing
Telling the Good Guys from the Spammers - It's Like a War Out There

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Legal Frameworks for International Data Transfer
Outside the scope of the GDPR, senders need to carefully research how to legally share data across borders, explains Astrid Braken from the CSA.
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
The European Champions Alliance – Campaigning for European Sovereignty

Feature "GDPR"
Collaboration across the Atlantic: Data Protection & Internet Policy
Many American companies are still unaware of how the new EU General Data Protection Regulation will affect them. Data protection gurus Thomas Rickert from the eco Association & Christian Dawson from i2Coalition look at how two voices for the Internet are teaming up on GDPR, ICANN, and beyond to ensure that the Internet and the organizations that build it have a voice on both sides of the Atlantic.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Laying the Ground in Brussels: On the Path to Europe’s Digital Data Decade?
Oliver Süme, Partner at Fieldfisher and Chair of the eco Association, provides an overview of the varied legislative initiatives at EU level for paving the way to a digital future in Europe.
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
The AI Privacy Dilemma
Governments are Embracing Hacking: What does that Mean for Everyone Else?
European Resolver Policy

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Cloud and Data Protection – A Challenge to Users
Is your cloud compliant? Cloud experts Dr. Tobias Höllwarth, Dr. Jens Eckhardt, Christian Laux, and Dr. Clemens Thiele explore the key elements of the EuroCloud Cloud Privacy Check (CPC), a method to quickly ascertain the legality of a cloud computing solution and to easily determine the appropriate legal action items required by law.
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
Fundamentally Preventing Attacks - In & Out of the Cloud

Feature "Security"
Cybersecurity & Data Protection – Public Security & Individual Freedom: doteditorial
For society to accept and use IT technologies and services, they must be secure and trustworthy. Prof. Norbert Pohlmann, Board Member for IT Security at eco Association, explores the balancing of state, community, and individual needs for cyber protection.

Feature "Encryption"
Bringing DoH to Market – The Story of Promoting Privacy and Making Waves
Patrick Koetter from the eco Association tells the story of the emergence of the DoH protocol as a privacy-enhancing technique, and the diverse reactions to it around the world.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
doteditorial December 2017
This festive season, dotmagazine examines what’s involved in keeping your most valuable business assets – your ID, your finances, customer data, and your reputation – safe and secure.