Feature "Security"
Security, Trust & Compliance - Call for Contributions
Security is crucial for building trust in interconnected digital systems, including AI-powered solutions, IoT, and cloud. dotmagazine’s Call for Contributions on the benefits of robust security for corporate IT, IoT, and digital infrastructure in our increasingly digital world.

Feature "DDoS"
Distributed Attacks = Distributed Liability?
Distributed cyber attacks rely on unsuspecting “contributors”. But are businesses and users aware that they themselves may be legally liable for their “contribution”?

Feature "DDoS"
Gridlock: When DDoS Jams Networks
The growing trend of mega Distributed Denial of Service attacks, and the businesses and critical infrastructures vulnerable to it

Feature "Energy Efficiency"
Using Fiber to the Edge to Cut the Carbon
Piers Benjamin illustrates how Corning saved energy and money by installing FTTE in their sustainably-built global HQ.

Feature "IoT"
How to Combat Global Warming with the Internet of Things
When the world environmental ministers gathered in Paris in 2015, we saw tears of joy. The world agreed on an ambitious goal to limit global climate change. But the plans for how the countries intend to achieve this goal remained vague, which is unfortunate. Corning’s Jochen Lorenz sees tremendous opportunity for European industry and businesses to grow with solutions that save energy.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
Companies Must React to Data Growth Strategically
All communication services from one single source and via one single port – a practical solution to the growing data volume thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0. Alexander Frese from ITENOS explains.

Feature "IoT"
Self-Optimizing, Adaptive WiFi – An Essential Foundation for Smart Home 2.0
Stephan Dietl of Plume Design outlines the potential of tech-integrated homes to show why intelligent WiFi is necessary.

Feature "Digital Production"
How SMEs Can Approach Digital Transformation
Joining the IoT revolution can be particularly daunting for small and medium-sized enterprises. Dr. Bettina Horster, Board Member, VIVAI Software AG & Director of IoT at eco, talked to dotmagazine about how SMEs can approach digital transformation and why they should do so.

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
IoT – Innovations, Obstacles & Trends
Frank Zachmann from innovIT360 explains the infrastructure challenges for developing the innovative power of the Internet of Things and offers a solution for the future of digital infrastructure.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Whatever, put a chip in it
The careless days in IoT are numbered: Sebastian Floss explores the value of Security by Design for IoT devices, and offers 4 simple rules to get started.

Feature "IoT"
Alleviating the Shortage of Skilled Workers With the Help of Artificial Intelligence
Hauke Timmermann, Digital Business Models Consultant at eco, on how AI can help train up staff to take on more specialist roles in Industry 4.0

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
A Quantum Leap in Communicating with Technology
Voice assistants powered by Artificial Intelligence are appearing in households across the globe, simplifying lives and enabling smart home environments. Michael Wilmes, Senior Manager Public Relations at Amazon Germany for the division Devices, explains in interview the vision and the development of Amazon’s Alexa and Echo as an Artificial Intelligence and as a platform.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Cyber Security & Data Protection in Japan
In Japan as elsewhere, the attack behavior is becoming more sophisticated: Professor Koji Nakao, an eminent Japanese IT security specialist, talks to dotmagazine about differences and similarities in cyber security trends, and about how we need to collaborate to present a counter-measure to cyber threats.

Feature "Encryption"
Industry 4.0: The Authentication of Things within the Internet of Things – PKI as a Solution Approach
Klaus M. Brisch, LL.M. and Marco Müller-ter Jung, LL.M., from DWF Germany, shed light on the question whether a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in compliance with the security infrastructure implemented by the electronic signature legislation is suitable to establish a secure authentication within the Internet of Things. Numerous applications depend on the communication between different devices and their ability to interact with each other.

Feature "Smart City"
No Smart City Without the Internet
Concepts for smart cities are designed to help deal with the problems of ever-growing cities. The Internet – especially the Internet of Things – takes a key role in this development. Why this is the case and what the potential of the Smart City is for the economy is explained in interview by eco CEO Harald A. Summa.

Feature "IoT"
Logistics and IoT: How the Internet of Things makes logistics manageable
IoT makes logistics smart, sustainable, and socially responsible – digital solutions synchronize the flow of goods and information over the Internet & automate processes, explains Nils Klute from EuroCloud.

Feature "IoT"
INSYS icom Case Study: Empowering IIoT Giant Expansion from Europe to Asia (China)
To unlock Asia’s IIoT potential, Serve Bunnik from CITIC Telecom CPC showcases how INSYS icom partnered with his company to master seamless global service.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
3D Printing: Rights to Data and IT Security in the Field of Additive Manufacturing
An exploration of the legal implications of copyright law for industrial 3D printing, and of the importance of IT security for Additive Manufacturing, by Klaus M. Brisch, LL.M. and Marco Müller-ter Jung, LL.M., DWF Germany

Feature "Smart City"
Smart Neighborhoods – Essential Building Blocks on the Way to a Smart City
Smart Neighborhoods offer a stepping stone on the path towards transformation of cities, explains Tatjana Hein from the eco Association.

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
Industrial Internet of Things: How the Right Infrastructure Boosts Growth and Innovation
Donald Badoux, Managing Director of Equinix Germany, on how the right IoT Infrastructure can help companies fully monetize previously unavailable or inaccessible enterprise- and machine-generated data in the industrial Internet of Things.

Feature "Connectivity"
The Car as Connected Platform — Connecting Stakeholders in the Automotive Industry
The future of the car and innovative mobility solutions relies on interconnection platforms which can bring together diverse ecosystems. A look at the centrality of connectivity to the evolution of the connected car.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Overcoming Preconceptions about AI in the Healthcare Industry
Rather than robots, it will be monitoring systems using AI that will enable people to live independently for longer, VIVAI’s Bettina Horster argues.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
New Frontiers for Car Security: API Management
When it comes to driverless cars, most of the talk is about high-precision sensors and AI. But a host of other enabling IT services bring their own risks. Marco Comastri of CA Technologies argues for the need for a paradigm shift among OEMs: one that would make cyber and network security as much of a core competence as engine control, airbags, or brakes.

Feature "E-Health"
Why Healthcare can Benefit from AI
Machine learning and voice assistants are essential to digitalizing care, as is digital infrastructure, explains Dr. Bettina Horster from the eco Association and VIVAI AG.

Feature "IoT"
Smart Lock Market Growth Boosted By the Rising Popularity of Smartphones
Smart lock technology simplifies access management for both users and administrators, without compromising security, writes Sanna Räsänen from Herman IT.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
The Future of Production – Intelligent Networking & Digital Orientation
Edge computing, cloud, 5G, and artificial intelligence are the driving forces in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to optimize production processes, writes Tatjana Hein from the eco Association.

Feature "Digital Education"
Smart Campus – Merging Smart City and Smart Home in Education for Digital Natives
What makes a university or college fit for the digital millennium? Rich Nedwich from Ruckus explains to dotmagazine the concept of a Smart Campus.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
Industry 4.0: Rising to the Cybersecurity Challenge in Smart Manufacturing
The article discusses the smart manufacturing sector by highlighting its characteristics and illustrating what the main challenges are for enterprises in the sector, and how TANGO project proposes a solution to mitigate cybersecurity risks through a dedicated case study.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Security and E-Health: Between Privacy and Beneficial Innovation
Maik Morgenstern, CTO at AV-Test, offers advice on what to look for in e-health gadgets and services in order to benefit from innovations without giving away too much sensitive data.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Radio Equipment Directive: New Cybersecurity Requirements for IoT
The EU is tightening IoT security standards. Eric Clausing, Lead IoT at AV-TEST looks at what this means for manufacturers, small businesses, and consumers.

Feature "Digital Ecosystem"
Transforming Business Models in the Platform Economy
Digital economist Holger Schmidt explains the three waves of digital transformation and how platform-based business models evolve.

Feature "Smart City"
Enabling Smarter Offices With Fiber to the Edge
FTTE is future-flexible, delivering connectivity, bandwidth & safe power in an office building, discloses Piers Benjamin from Corning Optical Communications.

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
Applying and Perfecting AI Applications for Industrial Use Cases
Henrik Oppermann from USU on AI in the mechanical service industry, companies sharing data and cooperating, and how AI can support humans without replacing them.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
2017: The Year of Automation?
How will the robotic revolution impact on employment? How do software-driven approaches change productivity in manufacturing and how is automation changing the production landscape in 2017? Marco Comastri from CA Technologies looks at the risks and the potential of Industry 4.0

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
AI Solutions for Elder Care #thenursinghomecanwait
Dr. Bettina Horster reveals how VIVAIcare's groundbreaking AI solution, Vivi, is revolutionizing elder care. From personalized reminders to safety features, discover how AI is reshaping independent living and supporting mental health.
Industry Insights "Artificial Intelligence"
Establishment of a Sustainable Green Data Center Platform
Pioneering Sustainability in Refurbished Tech: A Case Study

Feature "IoT"
The Internet of Things – Understanding IoT from a Security Perspective
Joseph Carson from Thycotic looks at IoT risk assessment and calls for a redefinition of IoT to achieve clarity from a security perspective.
Industry Insights "IoT"
Making the Internet of Things More Secure

Feature "IoT"
Prototyping IoT Products and Services
So you’ve got a brilliant idea for a new IoT product? Sebastian Floss, Managing Director at ImagineOn, explains what’s involved in prototyping it to get it right.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Securing Industrial IoT – Business Continuity for Connected Production Plants
What are the security risks of introducing IoT into production plants? What should companies do to mitigate such risks? Wolfgang Strasser, CEO of @Yet, talks to dotmagazine about securing IoT plants and products, and what to do in the event of a cyber attack.

Feature "IoT"
Securing IoT: Closing the Gateway into the Company Network
Maik Morgenstern, CTO of the AV-TEST Institute, reports on how the AV-ATLAS collects data about attacks on the Internet of Things (IoT) and supports in defending against them.
Industry Insights "IoT"
Shaping the Digital Production Age

Feature "IoT"
Making the Internet of Things More Secure
Klaus J. Müller from LEITWERK explains how IoT can be made more secure – by removing the end-user’s ability to make bad decisions.

Feature "IoT"
How to Choose the Right IoT Platform for Your Needs
IoT specialist and Director of IoT at the eco Association, Dr. Bettina Horster, from VIVAI Software, explains the questions companies need to ask when choosing an IoT platform, and offers tips and criteria for decision-makers.

Feature "5G Networks"
5G: Much More Than Just “Ultrafast Internet” on the Smartphone – New Requirements for Industry of the Future
Dr. Christoph Dietzel from DE-CIX sheds light on interesting 5G use-cases from business and industry, and examines to what extent 5G will revolutionize industry.

Feature "Internet Governance"
Legality, Security & Ethics in the Digitalized World
Thomas Rickert reports on discussions at the IGF 2019 on illegal content, DNS blocking, IoT security, and ethical rules for digitalization.

Feature "DDoS"
Optimal Protection against Cyber Attacks
Manfred Fochler from Akamai explores the impact of DDoS attacks, and describes a mitigation case study of the football team FC Bayern Munich

Feature "Company Security"
Blockchain & IoT: Blockchain’s Most Exciting Prospects Have Nothing To Do With Money
The most prominent example of what blockchain can do are currencies such as bitcoin. It is, arguably, also the most boring example — not because blockchain is boring, which it isn’t, but because money is boring. As Mathias Röckel explains, the more exciting prospects have to do with traditional industries – and the creation of new business models.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
Internet Access is the Key to Sustainable Development
Internet infrastructure is contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ global development goals: Alexander Rabe, Managing Director of the eco Association, on how IoT improves water supply and makes agriculture more efficient.

Feature "Blockchain"
Simplifying Complex Tasks and Reducing Errors with Blockchain
As more and more of our business processes become digital, companies are continually facing the challenge of ensuring not only the security of their systems and secrets, but also confirming the validity and veracity of external documents like contracts, invoices and payment advice. Blockchain can help to face these challenges, as Judith Ellis explains.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Current Challenges in EU Telecom Security
What is the current state of security for telecommunications in Europe and what are the challenges telecom companies are facing to keep our communication secure? Dr Dan Tofan, from the EU Cyber Security Agency, ENISA, gives insight into the challenges.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
Reestablishing communications when disaster strikes
Bridging the Digital Divide

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
The Intelligence in the Network
Artificial Intelligence is becoming science fact with remarkable speed. But what is the nature of this intelligence, and what are the risks? Internet pioneer and eco Board Member Klaus Landefeld explains how far AI has come.
Industry Insights "Artificial Intelligence"
Artificial Intelligence - A Quite Fantastic Machine

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Connected Car Security
The potential for the connected car to improve safety on the road is immense, but its ability to do so also depends on the IT security built into the system. dotmagazine spoke to IT security specialist and Member of the Board at the eco Association, Professor Norbert Pohlmann, about the challenges of securing connected cars.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
New Frontiers for Car Security: API Management
Blockchain-based Solutions and IT/Cyber Security for Autonomous Driving – Legal Barriers

Feature "Connectivity"
Building the Infrastructure for the Future Driving Experience
Realizing the vision of the connected and self-driving car of the future will require significant advances in connectivity, and the IoT will need to be built into the landscape to provide a seamless user experience. Klaus Landefeld, Vice-Chair of the Board at the eco Association, on the intelligent highway.
Industry Insights "Connectivity"
The Car as Connected Platform — Connecting Stakeholders in the Automotive Industry

Feature "IoT"
Security by Design – New Security Testing Standard for IoT Devices
Tatjana Hein and Cornelia Schildt from the eco Association give an insight into the development of a security standard and label for IoT.
Industry Insights "IoT"
Smartphones as Wallet for the Future?
Congratulations on Your New Business – We Need to Talk

Feature "Security"
Mandatory Certifications Key to Increased IoT Security
How can Europe-wide standards help close security vulnerabilities and gateways, and ensure secure IoT devices? Tatjana Hein from eco explores the possibilities.
Industry Insights "Security"
When Hacks Target Software: What SMEs Should Know About Cloud Native Technology
Not in Our Domain: How EURid is Using AI and Global Cooperation to Tackle Cybercrime
Control Your Digital Brand: On the Interplay of Defensive Domain Registrations, Active Monitoring, and Brand Enforcement

Feature "5G Networks"
The DE-CIX Digital Triangle for Edge Interconnection
Ivo Ivanov, COO of the DE-CIX Group AG, looks at the interplay of IoT, 5G & AI – the “digital interconnection triangle” of future innovation.
Industry Insights "5G Networks"
Making Interconnection Easy

Feature "Smart City"
Urban mobility – Parking and Car Sharing in Tomorrow’s Cities
How can we solve the increasing congestion and pollution in cities caused by traffic? Thomas Frohn from VDI Wissensforum looks at how data is used to optimize automotive offers.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
IoT and Industry 4.0 Paving the Way
eco's Managing Director Alexander Rabe argues that industrial IoT requires a rethinking of central value creation processes, or even of entire business models.
Industry Insights "Industrial IoT"
Transforming Business Models in the Platform Economy
AI to Detect and Defend Against Cyber Attacks
Cloud Security – Implementing AI and Automation

Feature "IoT"
Securing Intelligent Healthcare
Verizon’s Alexander Schlager looks at security threats for IoT solutions in healthcare, and what to do about them.

Feature "IoT"
Smart Service Power: A Case Study on Building a Successful IoT Aged Care Service
IoT offers great potential to transform society for the better, but where do you start? Bettina Horster from VIVAI Software illustrates the steps taken to develop a new IoT-supported solution for aged care.
Industry Insights "IoT"
Security and E-Health: Between Privacy and Beneficial Innovation
Whatever, put a chip in it

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
doteditorial: Creating the Conditions for IoT Business
IoT is transforming markets, revolutionizing service provision, and opening up potential for new business models. Andreas Weiss, Director of Digital Business Models at eco, explores where IoT is, where it’s going, and what it needs to thrive.
Industry Insights "Digital Infrastructure"
Industrial Internet of Things: How the Right Infrastructure Boosts Growth and Innovation
Infrastructure for the Evolution of the City
IoT – Innovations, Obstacles & Trends

Feature "Artificial Intelligence"
The Engine and Drivers of Digital Transformation – doteditorial
Andreas Weiss from the eco Association looks at how to develop a digital strategy and how to make the most of AI in developing new digital business models.
Industry Insights "Artificial Intelligence"
Artificial Intelligence – Present and Future
Input Management in the Cloud: The Most Important Facts for Navigating the Future
GDPR Compliance of Companies: Challenges in the Use of Cloud Services
Cloud Computing: Optimizing IT with Artificial Intelligence
Simplifying Multi-Cloud Environments for Digital Transformation

Feature "Connected Car"
The Connected Car Ecosystem - doteditorial
Thorsten Stuke, Mobility Expert at the eco Association, looks at the evolution of multimodal mobility and the connected car industry.
Industry Insights "Connected Car"
Motor Vehicle Insurance and the Connected Car
Setting Standards for Logistics in the New Digital Service World

Feature "IoT"
IT Security Label as a Framework for More Security in IoT
Tatjana Hein from eco reports on the development of a security label for IoT devices by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Feature "IoT"
doteditorial: Data-Driven Mobility & The Connected Car Market
Data is the unlimited resource powering the future of driving. A look at the conditions needed for connected and self-driving cars, and the potential to harness and monetize the power of data.
Industry Insights "IoT"
The Car as a Driver for Data Growth Needing New Infrastructure Solutions

Feature "Cybersecurity"
The Cyber Resilience Act and its Impact on Security in the IoT
The EU’s Cyber Resilience Act will strengthen cybersecurity rules for hardware and software products. Tatjana Hein, eco Association, looks at what IoT manufacturers can expect.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
Improving Cyber Resilience Worldwide

Feature "Cybersecurity"
The Current Situation of IoT Security and What to Do
Hardly any IT market sector in recent years has experienced growth rates like those in IoT, but securing networked devices and IoT structures still lags behind, explains Olaf Pursche from the AV-Test Institute.