Company Security

Feature "Company Security"
Building IT Defenses – Keeping the Wolves from the Company Gate
What’s your bottom line? Cyber attacks against companies range from the sophisticated to the ingeniously simple – and it could be your competitive advantage on the line.
Industry Insights "Company Security"
Cyber Crime Against Companies – There’s Money to be Made
Proactive Hunting for Hidden Threats using Metadata

Feature "Encryption"
The Assault on Encryption, and Why It’s Bad for your Business
Restricting encryption is a danger for human rights and public safety, but will also be disastrous for the wider Internet industry, warns Sheetal Kumar from Global Partners Digital.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Fortifying Cyberspace: How Innovative Companies from Canada’s Ontario are Protecting Us Against Cyber Attacks
Kathrin Seitz, Ontario Trade and Investment Office, Munich & Philipp Kornitzky, Government of Ontario, on the Province’s robust cybersecurity sector.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
The Human Element of IT Security
Human behavior can undermine the development of an effective IT security culture in companies at home and abroad. In particular, cultural differences in the approach to IT security must be taken into account in order to mitigate possible risks.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Working Securely at Home – 9 Tips for Company Security
Daniel Heck from Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity offers work-from-home tips to increase the IT security of your employees.

Feature "Company Security"
IT Security in Companies – Untrained, it is a Simple Attack Vector
When it comes to IT security, you cannot be too careful, explains Detlev Weise from exploqii – a KnowBe4 company.

Feature "Company Security"
Customer Fail-Story: Fail with Phishing Simulations – Or Celebrate Success
David Kelm from IT-Seal provides a vivid illustration of how important well-implemented phishing simulations are for staff IT security awareness.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Security & Privacy Champions Bringing Awareness to Teams
Peter Meyer from eyeo explains why the world needs more champions, and the value of approaching security and data protection at the team level.

Feature "Networks"
Secure SD-WAN – Helping CIOs Meet their Goals
Is it possible for CIOs to both reduce costs and increase agility, and at the same time ensure security and compliance? Yes, says Jack Miller, CISO at Open Systems.

Feature "Cybersecurity"
IT Security: Don’t Try to Make the Impossible Possible
IT security is a major cause for concern for companies, and it is important to ensure a good level of security to protect against hacker attacks and industrial espionage. But should companies aim for perfect security? This is not sensible, Karsten Nohl from Security Research Labs tells dotmagazine.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
Secure SD-WAN – Helping CIOs Meet their Goals
Prevention, Defense, and Detection: IT Security in Companies

Feature "Company Security"
Winning Back Data Control With Smart Web Security
The web landscape has changed drastically over the years, often resulting a loss in the control of data. Kristina Vervoort, Regional Sales Director DACH for Netskope, explains how you can win back this data control with smart web security.

Feature "Company Security"
Proactive Hunting for Hidden Threats using Metadata
Andrew Bushby from Fidelis Cybersecurity explains how metadata can be used to aid forensic investigations when a company discovers it is under attack

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Fundamentally Preventing Attacks - In & Out of the Cloud
Considering the steadily rising number and growing scope of cyber attacks, companies' IT security needs a significant upgrade. A talk with Daniel Heck, Head of Marketing at Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity, about long-term defensive strategies, and data protection in the cloud.

Feature "Company Security"
Remote Work Spells Opportunity for Service Providers
Attackers are skilled at adapting exploits to new situations – new security services are needed to protect businesses, explains Gerald Rubant from Akamai.

Feature "Company Security"
“Phishing” Your Staff to Raise Security Awareness
Do you want to improve IT security in your company? The number one task is to train your staff in security awareness on a regular basis, according to Dr. Niklas Hellemann from SoSafe Cyber Security Awareness.

Feature "Company Security"
Secure Home Office in Times of the Corona Crisis
With the right measures, you can provide for secure home office workplaces where company & customer data also remain protected, Markus Selinger from AV-Test explains

Feature "Industrial IoT"
Shaping the Digital Production Age
Rudolf Preuss, CEO of Arendar IT-Security Ltd., explains how cybercrime is challenging today’s manufacturing landscape and how to protect industrial production from attacks.

Feature "Email"
Email – Heavily Used, Yet Highly Dangerous
Umut Alemdar, Hornetsecurity, outlines how companies can increase security in their Microsoft 365 environments.

Feature "Company Security"
Phishing in the Pandemic – How Hackers Exploit the ‘Human Factor’
Dr. Niklas Hellemann from SoSafe GmbH, on the psychology of cyber attacks and security awareness, and the growing sophistication of phishing.

Feature "Company Security"
Why More and More Companies Move their Data to Tape
2019 was a record-breaking year for tape technology: never before has so much capacity been delivered on tape. Melina Schnaudt from Fujifilm Recording Media GmbH shows why.

Feature "Company Security"
IT Security: People Still Don’t Seem to Realize that the Threats Affect Them
The eco Association has just published its annual IT security study. Oliver Dehning, CEO of HornetSecurity and Leader of the eco Competence Group Security, offers his perspective on the results.

Feature "Company Security"
How Much of an IT Security Risk Are You to Your Company?
The best security is only as strong as its worst password and naivest user. Markus Schaffrin from the eco Association explains how important the behavior of staff and management is for company security.
Industry Insights "Company Security"
“Phishing” Your Staff to Raise Security Awareness

Feature "Company Security"
Blockchain & IoT: Blockchain’s Most Exciting Prospects Have Nothing To Do With Money
The most prominent example of what blockchain can do are currencies such as bitcoin. It is, arguably, also the most boring example — not because blockchain is boring, which it isn’t, but because money is boring. As Mathias Röckel explains, the more exciting prospects have to do with traditional industries – and the creation of new business models.

Feature "Company Security"
Why IT Security is Like Shopping for Christmas
There are three striking similarities between IT security and shopping for Christmas. Most of us have too much stuff to begin with. Also, there is too much theatre involved. And finally, socks. You can enjoy a holiday season without worries if you keep these things in mind.
Industry Insights "Company Security"
The Dangers of DDoS Overconfidence
Cyber Security & Data Protection in Japan
The Human Element of IT Security

Feature "Cybersecurity"
Building Trustworthiness and Acceptance of IT Security Solutions
How can companies create trust in IT security solutions? Through trustworthiness, argue Prof. Norbert Pohlmann from eco & Ulla Coester from xethix Empowerment.
Industry Insights "Cybersecurity"
The Shared Responsibility Model – an Important Basis of Cloud Security
DNS Abuse: Everyone’s Problem

Feature "Company Security"
Cyber Crime Against Companies – There’s Money to be Made
Security specialist Oliver Dehning from Hornetsecurity talks about protecting companies from cyber crime, encryption, and not throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Feature "Company Security"
12 Steps to Successful Information Security Management for SMEs
Carsten Marmulla and Simon Decker from carmasec GmbH & Co. KG offer a new approach for SMEs that are facing the uphill battle of getting their company ready for ISM certification.
Industry Insights "Company Security"
Security & Privacy Champions Bringing Awareness to Teams
How to Succeed Online when Launching or Renaming a Brand

Feature "Company Security"
Creating a “Human Firewall” for IT Security
Psychologist and social engineer Christina Lekati from Cyber Risk GmbH explains the psychological basis of phishing and how to arm staff with effective defenses.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
doteditorial July 2017
How will the fourth industrial revolution transform business culture and industry? What are the social benefits of industrial IoT? And how can small and medium-sized companies keep up with the pace of change in modern manufacturing? The July 2017 issue of dotmagazine, “Digital Production” explores the brave new world of Industry 4.0 – what’s already happening, how to adapt, how to ensure security, protect intellectual property, and how to succeed using digital production methods.