Smart City

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Cloud Access: Resist Naive Assumptions
Süleyman Karaman, Managing Director of COLT Technology Services, on secure cloud access, dedicated leased lines, and a small village in Bavaria.

Feature "Smart City"
No Smart City Without the Internet
Concepts for smart cities are designed to help deal with the problems of ever-growing cities. The Internet – especially the Internet of Things – takes a key role in this development. Why this is the case and what the potential of the Smart City is for the economy is explained in interview by eco CEO Harald A. Summa.

Feature "Smart City"
The Smart City: What Is the Role of the Public Sphere?
Harald A. Summa, CEO of the eco Association, explores the role of cities and regional authorities in laying the foundation for the smart city.

Feature "Smart City"
Forging Partnerships to Conquer Smart Markets
Markus Schaffrin from the eco Association on the results of the eco Association studies into the German smart city and smart home markets, and opportunities for companies in the areas of smart city and smart home.

Feature "Digital Infrastructure"
Infrastructure for the Evolution of the City
Spencer Hinzen from Ruckus, on the need for connectivity infrastructure in order for cities to evolve into the smart cities they want to become.

Feature "Smart City"
Smart Neighborhoods – Essential Building Blocks on the Way to a Smart City
Smart Neighborhoods offer a stepping stone on the path towards transformation of cities, explains Tatjana Hein from the eco Association.

Feature "Smart City"
Mobility of the Future - Implications for Tomorrow’s Business Models
Tatjana Hein from the eco Association looks at the prerequisites for the success of connected intermodal mobility.

Feature "Smart City"
Smart City & Smart Home – The Opportunities and Benefits for Companies
How can companies position themselves to participate in the phenomenal growth expected in the smart city and smart home markets in the coming years? Lars Riegel from Arthur D Little, author of the eco association studies on smart city and smart home in Germany, explains.

Feature "Digital Transformation"
Solving Tomorrow’s Problems with Smart City Methodology
While the image of smart cities is often portrayed as a utopian future, one of the main drivers behind the development is, according to Roman Mendle from ICLEI, the rather scary, dystopian forecast for urbanization over the next 20 years. dotmagazine spoke to Roman about the advantages of the smart city methodology, and how we need to change the way we conceive of urban spaces.
Industry Insights "Digital Transformation"
How to Choose the Right IoT Platform for Your Needs
Cloud Access: Resist Naive Assumptions

Feature "Smart City"
Enabling Smarter Offices With Fiber to the Edge
FTTE is future-flexible, delivering connectivity, bandwidth & safe power in an office building, discloses Piers Benjamin from Corning Optical Communications.

Feature "Mobility"
Mobility Data Ecosystems as an Opportunity for the Transport Revolution: How Wolfsburg Is Preparing for the Digital Future
Giovanni Coppa from WOBCOM offers a vision of secure, legally compliant, rule-controlled data exchange enabling mobility services and smart city solutions.

Feature "Connectivity"
Public WiFi – The Basis for Digital Transformation
Björn Schwarze from ADDIX Internet Services GmbH, on the challenges and societal benefits of providing free public WiFi across cities and rural areas.

Feature "Digitalization"
Public Utilities: Central Architects of the Digitalized City
Andreas Weiss from eco & Dalibor Dreznjak from Stadtwerke Wolfsburg, on the opportunities & challenges of new infrastructures & technologies for the Smart City.

Feature "Connectivity"
Future Smart City – How the Internet of Things is Transforming Our Cities
Dietmar Kessler from Equinix explores services in the city of the future, and the digital infrastructure required as a foundation of the smart city concept.

Feature "Smart City"
What It Takes to Make a Port City Smart
The process of transforming a city into a smart city requires clear goals and a change in attitude to the deployment of municipal services and infrastructure, as Mathias Röckel shows through the example of the developing smart city of Hamburg.

Feature "Mobility"
Sustainable Digitalization in the Smart City
Harald A. Summa, CEO of the eco Association, explores the benefits of the Smart City and Mobility for solving the problems of increasing urbanization.
Industry Insights "Mobility"
Designing 5G Networks for the Mobility Challenge

Feature "Smart City"
The Carbon-Neutral Transformation to Smart Cities
Co-author of the new eco study “The Smart City Market in Germany 2021-2026” Lars Riegel from ADL explains the environmental benefits of the Smart City.
Industry Insights "Smart City"
Smart Neighborhoods – Essential Building Blocks on the Way to a Smart City

Feature "Smart City"
Urban mobility – Parking and Car Sharing in Tomorrow’s Cities
How can we solve the increasing congestion and pollution in cities caused by traffic? Thomas Frohn from VDI Wissensforum looks at how data is used to optimize automotive offers.

Feature "Smart City"
Internet-Based Mobility to Relieve Inner Cities
Smart Mobility to enjoy double-digit growth as service and data platforms control traffic flows with the help of AI, reports Alexander Rabe from the eco Association.
Industry Insights "Smart City"
Mobility of the Future - Implications for Tomorrow’s Business Models

Feature "IoT"
doteditorial: Data-Driven Mobility & The Connected Car Market
Data is the unlimited resource powering the future of driving. A look at the conditions needed for connected and self-driving cars, and the potential to harness and monetize the power of data.
Industry Insights "IoT"
The Car as a Driver for Data Growth Needing New Infrastructure Solutions

Feature "Smart City"
Cybersecurity is a Key Driver of Smart City Markets
Markus Schaffrin from the eco Association looks at the fundamental importance of security to the success of Smart City projects.
Industry Insights "Smart City"
Remote Work Spells Opportunity for Service Providers
Working Securely at Home – 9 Tips for Company Security
AI and Cybersecurity – What to Expect and How to Protect your Organization
Fortifying Cyberspace: How Innovative Companies from Canada’s Ontario are Protecting Us Against Cyber Attacks

Feature "Cloud Computing"
doteditorial October 2017
In the chorus of buzz words, it is sometimes difficult to tell if different trend topics are actually singing the same tune. So how do Smart and the Cloud fit together? Andreas Weiss, Director of EuroCloud Deutschland, looks at the interdependencies.