Doing Business in Germany

Feature "Internet Industry"
What's New in eco February 2017
A selection of recent eco news and forthcoming activities

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Germany: Land of Data Protection and Security – But Why?
Understanding the German mentality to data protection and data privacy is fundamental to doing successful business in the country
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
What's New in eco February 2017

Feature "Internet Industry"
What's New in eco March 2017
A selection of recent eco news and forthcoming activities

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco October 2017
News from the eco Association

Feature "Connectivity"
Reach Out – The Internet Exchange is Coming to the Regions
A direct connection to the world's largest Internet Exchange is the basis for many enterprises to achieve the best quality. DE-CIX, the world's largest Internet Exchange operator, and GasLINE, one of the leading fiber-optic network providers in Germany, will create fast direct connections from public utilities and data centers to the DE-CIX sites, providing an expansion for peering into regional areas.

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
GmbH: Exclusiveness Increases Value
Marco Hoffmann from InterNetX explains the importance of the .gmbh top-level domain for gaining trust in the German market and doing business in Germany

Feature "Internet Industry"
What's New in eco May 2017
What's new in eco in May 2017

Feature "eco News"
What's New in eco March 2018
News from the eco Association

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Why Self-Regulation Runs in Germany's DNA
Doing Business in Germany: Understanding Germany’s enthusiasm for Self-Regulation will make you want to get more involved
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
GmbH: Exclusiveness Increases Value
What's New in eco March 2017

Feature "Data Center"
Frankfurt Data Center Market: Constantly Adapting as the Baseline for Digital Transformation
What makes Frankfurt such a desirable location for data centers? Marc Fröse from Etix Everywhere examines how to make the most of the global epicenter for colocation.

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Digital Infrastructure in Germany
Despite all the political efforts and advancements in broadband expansion, company decision-makers in all sectors in Germany continue to see a need for improvement in digital infrastructure. The eco Association sees broadband rollout as the most important infrastructure project in the near future.

Feature "Social Media"
Doing Business in Germany: Knowing Your Social Media Channels
Social media in Germany may not be tapped into as regularly as in other markets. Therefore, companies should know their platforms and their target audiences and, most importantly, know how to address them.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Finland & Data Protection – Data Highways, Clouds, and Hyperscalers
Finland may be small, but it’s not slow: Jani Moilanen, CEO of Herman IT, talks to dotmagazine about the Finnish cloud production hub, preparedness for the GDPR, and local ICT innovations.

Feature "Internet Industry"
What's New in eco June 2017
News from the eco Association

Feature "eco News"
What's New in eco February 2018
News from the eco Association

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Doing Business in Germany: Why Is It Better To Not Keep Your Fingers Crossed?
If your company wants to enter the German market, your marketing team needs to be aware of a number of legal and cultural loopholes. Mathias Röckel explains how to avoid social blunders and letters from your competitor’s lawyers.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco August 2017

Feature "Multi Cloud"
Multi Cloud Management – Trends and Challenges for Enterprises
Today, the question is not so much about whether companies are using cloud computing, but about how they are using it. A survey by Crisp Research and QSC on “Hybrid- and multi-cloud services among mid-sized companies in Germany” offers a key insight: Businesses are increasingly implementing multi-cloud structures, as Marc Sundermann from QSC shows.

Feature "Internet Industry"
What's New in eco April 2017
A selection of recent eco news and forthcoming activities

Feature "IT Law"
Does Competition Law Offer a Proper Toolbox to Tackle the Power of Internet Giants and Platforms?
Dr. Daisy Walzel from DWF looks at the impact of competition law on digital platforms

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Building an InsurTech Startup Ecosystem in Germany
The new InsurLab Germany initiative intends to support innovation in the insurance industry and facilitate startup growth. It will connect insurers directly with startups of different maturity levels, Torsten Oletzky, Member of the InsurLab Germany Task Force, explains.

Feature "Internet Governance"
Governing the Internet – Bringing the Stakeholders Together
Thomas Rickert, Lawyer and Director of Names & Numbers at eco, talks about international network policy, creating dialog with the many stakeholders, and market competition.

Feature "Smart City"
Smart City & Smart Home – The Opportunities and Benefits for Companies
How can companies position themselves to participate in the phenomenal growth expected in the smart city and smart home markets in the coming years? Lars Riegel from Arthur D Little, author of the eco association studies on smart city and smart home in Germany, explains.

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Energy is Expensive in Germany – Can This Be a Good Thing?
The high cost of energy in Germany is a result of the country’s transition from fossil fuels and atomic energy to renewables. This could be seen as a marker for a poor market environment – or the opposite, as Mathias Röckel explains.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco April 2017

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco December 2017
News from the eco Association

Feature "Data Center"
The Colocation Boom-Within-a-Boom in Frankfurt
Independent consultant Gerd Simon in conversation with Dr. Béla Waldhauser, CEO of Telehouse and KDDI Deutschland, on the booming colocation market in Frankfurt, declarations of war, and keeping up with demand for data center capacities.

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
A Country Between Governments
As Germany waits for political parties to agree on the next government, the country is experiencing good economic growth. The digital agenda remains challenging, but the avenues for legislative success in the digital agenda are clear.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco December 2017

Feature "eco News"
What's New in eco August 2017
News from the eco Association

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco November 2017
News from the eco Association

Feature "Internet Industry"
What's New in eco July 2017
News from the eco Association

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
What Does “Made in Germany” Mean In The Digital Age?
Initially meant as a warning, the term “Made in Germany” quickly became a label signaling quality. Today, Germany still lives off its engineers and craftsmanship – but in the digital age, old industries have to embrace new technologies to live up to their image. Mathias Röckel explains.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco July 2017

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
The Broadband Map and Federalism
Germany is run by its federal government, state governments, and municipalities, all of which have different tasks and run on different budgets. And occasionally, they follow different agendas. Mathias Röckel explains.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
Gigabit Infrastructure: The Need is Proven
Digital Infrastructure in Germany
What's New in eco May 2017

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Doing Business in Germany: What Does Frankfurt Have to Offer?
If your company is part of the financial ecosystem and you are considering expanding your business in Germany, you are probably thinking: Frankfurt. But why? Take a look at the reasons – and the potential Frankfurt has to offer. Mathias Röckel explains.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
Building an InsurTech Startup Ecosystem in Germany
What's New in eco June 2017

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Cloud Computing Has Become a Matter of Nationality
Clouds may not care about borders, but users of cloud computing do. Especially in Germany. If your company is running a cloud-based business in Germany, you should pay as much attention to the German mentality as you pay to legislation, according to Mathias Röckel.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
Multi Cloud Management – Trends and Challenges for Enterprises

Feature "Digital Transformation"
Facing and Mastering Digital Transformation
The shock of the new still makes some organizations shy away from facing the challenges of digitalization. Roland Broch from the eco Association looks at how the German Mittelstand and SMEs in general can embrace the potential of digital transformation to compete in the digital economy of the future.

Feature "Data Center"
Data Center Models and Their Customers
Data centers may be powerhouses of the digital economy, but they come in all shapes and sizes, with different services models, different business models, and different locational advantages. dotmagazine asked Dr. Béla Waldhauser, from the Alliance for Strengthening Digital Infrastructures in Germany, to unravel the complexities and explain what kind of customer business cases are most appropriate for what kind of data center.