What's New in eco April 2017
A selection of recent eco news and forthcoming activities

eco - Association of the Internet Industry
Forthcoming events

Date: 10.-12.05.2017
Location: Cologne

Date: 11.-12.04.2017
Location: Bucharest

Date: 14.-16.05.2017
Location: Berlin
Forthcoming Events

Date: 10.–12.05.2017
Location: Cologne

Date: 11.-12.04.2017
Location: Bucharest

Date: 06.-08.06.2017
Location: Monaco

Date: 14.-16.05.2017
Location: Berlin

Report on 58th ICANN Meeting
With precisely 2,086 participants, the 58th ICANN meeting took place in Copenhagen last week. Now, around six months ago, the IANA transition was completed. However, ICANN have not yet been able to return to “business as usual”, but there was again more room for other topics on the agenda.

Leading Internet Associations Strengthen Cooperation
eco - Association of the Internet Industry e.V. - Europe’s largest Association serving the interests of the Internet Industry, with more than 1,000 members from more than 60 countries - and the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition), a rapidly growing association with 100+ of the largest and most influential members in the Internet infrastructure industry, plan to intensify their longstanding co-operation.

Annual Report 2016: Successful Work at the eco Complaints Office
The eco Complaints Office has for the first time published an Annual Report for the year 2016, which documents a moving and challenging year. From the reported 3,517 complaints (not including spam and Usenet), 1,564 cases were relevant; of these, 78% were removed from the Internet (one hundred percent of cases hosted in Germany were removed).

eco Association: From Risk to Human Safety Factor
In terms of IT security, many medium-sized enterprises still rely too heavily on purely technical solutions. In particular, the human factor is underestimated by many companies when doing risk assessment. Employees frequently facilitate successful cyber attacks by clicking, for instance, on web links or attachments of suspicious e-mails, thus opening doors to harmful malware such as blackmail Trojans. “Notably, smaller enterprises neglect to pursue a comprehensive IT security approach, and to cultivate a corporate culture that sensitizes employees towards the threat situation,” Oliver Dehning, Head of the Competence Group Security at eco – Association of the Internet Industry, says.

Avalanche Botnet Continues to Make Online Banking Unsafe
Many PCs and smartphones in Germany are still infected with malicious software which was distributed through the Avalanche botnet. “Most users are still ignoring the warning instructions of their Internet providers to check their end-user devices,” says Peter Meyer, Botfrei Project Manager, a service of eco - Association of the Internet Industry. “In particular, the banking Trojan which has infected hundred thousand PCs in Germany thanks to the Avalanche botnet remains a serious threat.” The malicious programs provide cybercriminals with full access to banking accounts, which enable them to carry out money transfers.