What's New in eco December 2017
News from the eco Association

eco - Association of the Internet Industry

Date: 30 Jan. 2018
Location: Berlin
Date: 01 Feb. 2018
Location: Cologne

Data Center: The Colocation Branch in Transition
The German data center industry is currently experiencing a growth rate of around 10%. Relative to other German industrial sectors, this represents quite robust growth – but in international comparison, this growth-rate in data center technology merely places Germany in the midfield.
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Follow-Up Report: GDPR Domain Industry Playbook – Public Consultation
On 11th December 2017, eco held a public consultation in Brussels on the draft "eco GDPR Domain Industry Playbook". Approximately 100 representatives of registries, registrars, the EU Commission, ICANN, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders attended the event either locally (approximately 30 attendees) or by remote participation via the Internet.
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Everything Remains Changed
In several respects, 2017 was an extremely dynamic year for eco. Significant change has occurred, both within the association itself and externally on the strength on our work, not to mention the change occurring in the international field. Here I would like to take the opportunity to take stock and to provide a subjective review of the year.
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Blockchain Will Revolutionize the Internet of Things in 2018
Blockchain technology will, in 2018, gain entry into everyday business through a multitude of applications. Technical platforms based on blockchain will in particular support business applications, especially where an intermediary wants to create trust and process transactions. “New platforms are solving current problems in the areas of performance and scalability. So they will be able to take on more and more tasks in day-to-day business,” according to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Prinz, Vice Chair of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT in Sankt Augustin.