Video Streaming

Feature "Video Streaming"
Quality and Security: Two Steps to Digital Content Delivery Success
Martin Hellmer from Akamai explains the key elements required for delivering high-quality video content to an ever-growing global audience.

Feature "Video Streaming"
How the Video Medium can be Efficiently Integrated into Existing IT
Today, employees want to use videos for communication at their workplaces just as much as they do in their private lives. This means IT departments must face the challenge of how to integrate the video medium into existing IT infrastructures. The best way for them to master this task is with an Enterprise Video Platform.

Feature "Online Gaming"
How Daily Manager Games are Changing Sports Consumption
Daily Manager Games (aka ‘Daily Fantasy Sports’) have taken the U.S. by storm, making sports better for consumers and creating opportunities for media companies and professional leagues and teams to maximize the experience for sports fans around the globe. Now they’re taking over the world!

Feature "Video Streaming"
Work Like Everybody’s Watching
Huge sports events attract huge audiences. They demand an uninterrupted service, not only from Internet providers, but also from providers of water services.