
Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
GmbH: Exclusiveness Increases Value
Marco Hoffmann from InterNetX explains the importance of the .gmbh top-level domain for gaining trust in the German market and doing business in Germany

Feature "Self-regulation"
Bringing Order to the Digital Wild West from the Bottom Up
The strongest argument in favor of bottom-up, multi-stakeholder governance is that it actually works. Vittorio Bertola from Open-Xchange explores why self-regulation of the Internet is better than the alternatives

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Why Self-Regulation Runs in Germany's DNA
Doing Business in Germany: Understanding Germany’s enthusiasm for Self-Regulation will make you want to get more involved
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
GmbH: Exclusiveness Increases Value
What's New in eco March 2017

Feature "Self-regulation"
eco Complaints Office 2023: Success in the Fight against Illegal Online Content
Alexandra Koch-Skiba, Head of the eco Complaints Office, champions the battle against online exploitation, highlighting a record year in vigilant reporting and successful international interventions.

Feature "Self-regulation"
Mitigating DNS Abuse: Taking a Firm Position and Protecting Employees
Kelly Hardy from CentralNic explains how companies benefit from fighting abuse and from protecting the employees on the front lines.

Feature "Self-regulation"
The eco Complaints Office – Regulated Self-Regulation That Works!
Head of the eco Complaints Office Alexandra Koch-Skiba presents a case study of successful self-regulation of the Internet industry, with the fast and effective removal of illegal online content around the globe.

Feature "Self-regulation"
Fighting the Good Fight: Preventing the Spread of CSAM with Software
Els de Jong and Wido Potters from BIT, on software-based tools for combatting illegal and harmful content.

Feature "Self-regulation"
The Certified Senders Alliance – How Self-Regulation Can Help Increase the Quality of Commercial E-Mails
Julia Janssen-Holldiek, Director of the Certified Senders Alliance, demonstrates how voluntary industry self-regulation can have a profound effect on quality, and bring the community together.

Feature "Notice & Takedown"
Borderless Fight Against Illegal Content
For over 20 years, the international INHOPE network has been successfully working to combat depictions of the abuse of minors, says Peter-Paul Urlaub from the eco Complaints Office.

Feature "Self-regulation"
The Economics of Trust in Digital Services
Trust is emerging as a crucial factor for the success of Internet service providers and is challenging the established economics of digital services, writes Rafael Laguna from Open-Xchange.

Feature "Self-regulation"
Healthy Domains Initiative
Healthy Practice Areas for Domain Registries and Registrars: The domain name system is in good health. But it’s about to get even better, as Mason Cole, Chair of the DNA Healthy Domains Initiative Committee explains.

Feature "Self-regulation"
Getting Illegal Content Offline Fast
Alexandra Koch-Skiba, Head of the eco Complaints Office, explains the global cooperation of complaints offices, police and the Internet industry in taking child sexual abuse material offline

Feature "Digital Ethics"
“This has been a tremendous experience” – Interview with Thomas Rickert
In the eco Association’s 25th anniversary year, Lars Steffen speaks to Thomas Rickert about the initiation of the eco Complaints Office, the CSA, and further initiatives for an Internet with Responsibility.
Industry Insights "Digital Ethics"
The Centralization of Data

Feature "Notice & Takedown"
Take-Down and Terms of Service – The Keys to Self-Regulating Online Content
Alexandra Koch-Skiba, Head of the eco Complaints Office, on how self-regulation is not just the best way for swiftly removing illegal content from the Internet, but can also help to prevent it from getting up there in the first place.

Feature "Self-regulation"
Online Reputation and Abuse – Interconnected Problems?
Wido Potters from BIT BV explores the advantages of fighting Internet abuse together with the support of AbuseIO – a self-regulatory approach to Internet abuse

Feature "Self-regulation"
Vigilance of Society Against Illegal Content
Alexandra Koch-Skiba from the eco Complaints Office on the attentive reporting and take-down of illegal content on the Internet.
Industry Insights "Self-regulation"
Fighting the Good Fight: Preventing the Spread of CSAM with Software
Mitigating DNS Abuse: Taking a Firm Position and Protecting Employees

Feature "Self-regulation"
Who Rules the Internet?
Because the Internet is not a single infrastructure, it is easy to lose track of everybody involved in Internet Governance. Yet, nothing beats the multi-stakeholder approach, according to dotmagazine's Mathias Röckel.

Feature "Consumer Protection"
Together for the Good of the Internet
Alexandra Koch-Skiba from the eco Complaints Office, on 25 years’ cooperation with providers and law enforcement, and minimizing risks for young people online.

Feature "Internet Governance"
Does Self-Regulation Empower Industry?
Michael Rotert explores the variety of measures for governing the global Internet – and how laws can’t keep up with technological development

Feature "Internet Governance"
doteditorial: How the Industry is Taking Responsibility for a Better Internet
The key to maintaining the energy and innovation of digitalization, and ensuring societal safeguards, is industry self-regulation. The issues of trust, integrity, and privacy are now taking center stage – and the solution is that of socially responsible self-regulation, says Lars Steffen, Director of eco International.