Renewable Energy

Feature "Sustainability"
How to Approach Sustainability in the Network Industry
Planning to incorporate sustainability into your business models? Pick up on tips for a framework devised by, ranging from certification standards to monitoring software.

Feature "Doing Business in Germany"
Energy is Expensive in Germany – Can This Be a Good Thing?
The high cost of energy in Germany is a result of the country’s transition from fossil fuels and atomic energy to renewables. This could be seen as a marker for a poor market environment – or the opposite, as Mathias Röckel explains.
Industry Insights "Doing Business in Germany"
What's New in eco April 2017

Feature "Sustainability"
Hosting in the Wind Turbine
Hanna von der Au from eco reports on the climate-neutral television of the future, empowered by Zattoo via the windCORES project of WestfalenWIND.

Feature "Energy Efficiency"
Data Centers in the Transformation to Sustainable Energy Consumption
As data centers become ever larger consumers of energy, they have the chance to play a key role in shaping the move towards using more renewable energy and the future energy market. Staffan Reveman of Reveman Energy Academy looks at the hurdles ahead and possible symbioses for data center energy consumption.
Industry Insights "Energy Efficiency"
Why and How the Energy Requirements of Data Centers Are Growing
The Win-Win Situation of Data Center Energy Efficiency

Feature "Renewable Energy"
Blackouts, Renewable Energy, and Powering IT Reliably
Volatile renewable energy is increasingly important for national and internationally connected power grids, but, according to Judith Ellis, care is needed to provide stable power for critical infrastructure and sensitive IT processes.
Industry Insights "Renewable Energy"
Innovative Approaches to Energy Efficiency in Data Centers
A UPS Solution with Kinetic Energy

Feature "Energy Efficiency"
Abundant Energy Potential through Utilization of Data Center Waste Heat
Data centers & society have much to gain from waste heat utilization, as illustrated by Dr. Béla Waldhauser from Telehouse & the Alliance for the Strengthening of Digital Infrastructures.
Industry Insights "Energy Efficiency"
From AI to the circular economy: How digital technologies redefine sustainable value creation
Gaia-X: “This Governance Process Is Unique in the World”
How to Approach Sustainability in the Network Industry
Cloud Native: More Responsibility via Decoupling Software Building Blocks and Connectivity
Green and Affordable: Reducing Electricity Costs by Archiving Data on Tape
Using Fiber to the Edge to Cut the Carbon

Feature "Data Center"
doteditorial April 2017
Dr. Béla Waldhauser, Leader of the eco Competence Group Datacenter Infrastructure, on powering and greening IT.