Digital Production

Feature "Digital Production"
How SMEs Can Approach Digital Transformation
Joining the IoT revolution can be particularly daunting for small and medium-sized enterprises. Dr. Bettina Horster, Board Member, VIVAI Software AG & Director of IoT at eco, talked to dotmagazine about how SMEs can approach digital transformation and why they should do so.

Feature "Industrial IoT"
2017: The Year of Automation?
How will the robotic revolution impact on employment? How do software-driven approaches change productivity in manufacturing and how is automation changing the production landscape in 2017? Marco Comastri from CA Technologies looks at the risks and the potential of Industry 4.0

Feature "Industrial IoT"
Rent Instead of Buy: Pay-Per-Part Models in Industrial Service
Nils Klute from EuroCloud Deutschland on how usage-based business models are helping airplanes, industrial services, and the circular economy take off.
Industry Insights "Industrial IoT"
Using Knowledge Graphs to Find Information in the Age of Big Data

Feature "Industrial IoT"
doteditorial July 2017
How will the fourth industrial revolution transform business culture and industry? What are the social benefits of industrial IoT? And how can small and medium-sized companies keep up with the pace of change in modern manufacturing? The July 2017 issue of dotmagazine, “Digital Production” explores the brave new world of Industry 4.0 – what’s already happening, how to adapt, how to ensure security, protect intellectual property, and how to succeed using digital production methods.