Feature "Multi Cloud"
Direct and Secure Interconnections to the Clouds: How Enterprises can Future-Proof their IT
Mareike Jacobshagen from DE-CIX, on creating a productive virtual office anywhere via DE-CIX and their many partners.
Mareike Jacobshagen from DE-CIX, on creating a productive virtual office anywhere via DE-CIX and their many partners.
Ivo Ivanov from DE-CIX, on the real opportunity for data center operators through network solutions and enterprise connectivity offerings.
The advantages of digital technology in the fight against climate change outweigh the costs, says MEP Tiemo Wölken.
As the Internet and mobility become increasingly intermeshed, new synergies and business concepts are emerging, says eco Mobility CG leader, Martin Kumstel from Uber.
Megan Kruse from the Internet Society introduces the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative, which addresses the most common routing threats.