Online Marketing

Feature "Online Marketing"
Storytelling in Advertising: How the Software Industry Entertains
Traditionally, the B2B industry has attempted to attract custom through advertising which relies on factual information and reasoned decision-making. Analysts argue, however, that advertising will only survive if it becomes entertaining. Through introducing storytelling into its advertising, the software industry is breaking new ground in the B2B sector, thus proving that B2B communication is not condemned to just providing coldly informative ads.

Feature "Online Marketing"
Digital Transformation in Customer Communication: Win-Win Situations for Customers and Brands
Digital transformation successfully applied to customer communication can become a marketing differentiation factor and a crucial part of the brand experience, Lucie Poisson from 1&1 IONOS explains.

Feature "Online Marketing"
The Pros and Cons of Ad Blocking - Finding the Balance
dotmagazine interviews stakeholders from both sides of the ad blocking debate – Christian Bennefeld from eBlocker and Joerg Muehle from the publisher Heise Medien – to look at how the best interests of users can be served in online advertising.

Feature "dotBrands"
What dotBrands Can Do for Companies
dotBrands use their brand names to the right side of the dot in an Internet address. In this way, .brands work exactly like long-standing top-level domains such as .com or .de – but simultaneously open up a large number of new possibilities. Not only do dotBrands have a complete universe of Internet addresses open to them; they can also innovate new business models, expand their distribution channels, and align their online marketing activities. But how many dotBrands are there at present? And how exactly do companies benefit from their own top-level domain?

Feature "Brands"
Developing a Brand Launch in the Digital Landscape
Companies often forget crucial steps in developing a brand in the digital environment. Marie Le Maitre from CSC explains to dotmagazine how to build a branding strategy that incorporates the potential of digital tools.

Feature "Online Marketing"
Immunizing Email Marketing Against Brand Impersonation
Prevention is better than cure: DMARC offers protection against phishing attacks, saving brands from the headache and cost of reputation damage, as Julia-Janssen Holldiek, Director of the Certified Senders Alliance, explains.
Industry Insights "Online Marketing"
BIMI – Controlling Brand Image Online

Feature "Brands"
How Your Branding Enlivens Your Online Presence
Branding is about more than just using a name, displaying a logo, or quoting a slogan, as Lucie Poisson explains. It may even help you to redefine your overall strategy.

Feature "Online Marketing"
From User To Thought Leader on LinkedIn
LinkedIn expert Britta Behrens provides tips on how to build your personal brand on the career network.

Feature "Brands"
doteditorial: Branding & Selling Online
This month, dotmagazine investigates less well-trodden paths to branding and brand protection, and the use of advertising and email in selling online.