
Feature "e-Government"
E-Government on Blockchain: About Obstacles and Chances
Public administration offers and requires the same properties as blockchain: transparency, trust, and immutability. But does this predestine blockchain to be suitable for all e-government processes? Volker Skwarek explores potential use cases.

Feature "Domains"
.berlin, .tokyo or .vegas: How GeoTLDs Help Form Distinctive Digital Identities
Katrin Ohlmer from DOTZON explores how a city can develop and exploit a stable digital identity through a GeoTLD.

Feature "e-Government"
Government Blockchain Infrastructure – A Chance for Europe
Blockchain offers governments the opportunity to revolutionize their handling of citizen data and the allocation of rights in secure e-government scenarios. Dieter Rehfeld argues for the development of a European public-sector blockchain infrastructure, establishing Europe as a leader in the area, and giving data control back to citizens.

Feature "e-Government"
Moving the French Administration into the Cloud
Within the space of one year, the French government position around cloud computing totally changed towards building a real Cloud First policy to support the digital transformation of the entirety of state policies. Here is the story of this journey, told by Alban Schmutz, Vice-President of EuroCloud France, who drove this work with the French ecosystem, the administration, and policy makers.

Feature "Blockchain"
The Time is Now: The Need for Government Blockchain
Blockchain technology offers massive potential for state administration. Stephan Zimprich, Leader of the eco Competence Group Blockchain, looks at how this foundational technology could transform e-government.
Industry Insights "Blockchain"
Moving the French Administration into the Cloud

Feature "e-Government"
Creating Trustworthy E-Government Services with Blockchain
Digitalizing government services requires the entire process of storing and handling the data of citizens to be revolutionized. Taavi Kotka, former Chief Information Officer of the Estonian Government, explains the value of e-government services to a country, and how blockchain helps to overcome the hurdles to transformation.
Industry Insights "e-Government"
Government Blockchain Infrastructure – A Chance for Europe
E-Government on Blockchain: About Obstacles and Chances

Feature "Blockchain"
doteditorial: Blockchain & E-Government – Giving Citizens Control of Their Data
E-Government is a major driver of blockchain technology. Stephan Zimprich from fieldfisher looks at how the transparency and immutability of blockchain can help give citizens digital self-determination.