
Feature "Blockchain"
Crypto-currencies – High Prospects Despite Low Reputation?
New methods of conducting payments and bank business have been developed since the early days of the Internet; Credit cards, direct debit cards, and e-money transactions are widely accepted and increasingly popular. However, all these payment methods require two things: banks and a regulated currency. With the emergence of blockchain technology, new payment methods have evolved, which claim to make banks and regulation unnecessary. What are these crypto-currencies, what are their benefits, and do they really have an impact on the banking and financial world? Daniel Groß, Attorney at Law, DWF Germany, Cologne, explains.

Feature "Company Security"
Blockchain & IoT: Blockchain’s Most Exciting Prospects Have Nothing To Do With Money
The most prominent example of what blockchain can do are currencies such as bitcoin. It is, arguably, also the most boring example — not because blockchain is boring, which it isn’t, but because money is boring. As Mathias Röckel explains, the more exciting prospects have to do with traditional industries – and the creation of new business models.