Routing & Reachability

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
Anycast: The State-of-the-Art Technology to Secure Your Online Presence
So you have done everything to protect your online presence: You have redundant web servers, firewalls, DDoS protection in a high security data center, and much more. But… have you also considered your domain name server? If not, this could be your single point of failure, Klaus Darilion from explains.

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
DE-CIX IXs Growing Where Submarine Data Flows Connect Continents
Fundamental to the global network of networks that makes up the Internet are the undersea cables that span the oceans connecting continents. One fundamental seabed for submarine interconnectivity is the Mediterranean Basin, home to fiber connecting Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. dotmagazine spoke to Theresa Bobis, Regional Director South Europe at DE-CIX, about two new cables that landed in Marseille and Palermo in late 2016, and why the Mediterranean is important to future global traffic flow.

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
The Journey of a Data Packet
How does the message we type get transmitted to its recipient? It’s all about routers, fiber, and the light in the fibers, as Wolfgang Tremmel, Head of the DE-CIX Academy, tells dotmagazine in interview.

Feature "Routing & Reachability"
Learn From Einstein And Synchronize the Internet
During Einstein’s days in Bern, the idea that all clocks should tell the same time was a novelty. Their synchronization went hand in hand with changes that altered the world. What does this tell us about latency in our current Internet infrastructure? Mathias Röckel explains.