EU Single Digital Market

Feature "Internet Governance"
German Industry Demands Increased Engagement in International Network Policy
German companies see harmonized European regulations as important for Europe’s competitiveness on world markets, and eco calls for strengthening of the multistakeholder approach to Internet governance. eco Berlin reports.
Industry Insights "Internet Governance"
Governing the Internet – Bringing the Stakeholders Together
Enhancing the Operational Stability of the Internet
What's New in eco September 2017

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Finland & Data Protection – Data Highways, Clouds, and Hyperscalers
Finland may be small, but it’s not slow: Jani Moilanen, CEO of Herman IT, talks to dotmagazine about the Finnish cloud production hub, preparedness for the GDPR, and local ICT innovations.

Feature "Gaia-X"
Why We Still Find It Difficult to Create Value From Data
Andreas Weiss from EuroCloud and writer Thomas Sprenger explain why data-based cooperation has so far failed, and how Gaia-X can alleviate the problem.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Who’s Naughty Now? Can Santa’s Business Model Survive the GDPR?
Santa himself will not be able to avoid dealing with the forthcoming EU GDPR – even being based at the North Pole won’t change anything. Judith Ellis looks at what data processes Santa will need to change before next Christmas.
Industry Insights "Data Protection & Privacy"
Blockchain and Data Protection Law: When Anonymous Data Becomes Personal
Building Easy and Open Online Identities with DomainID

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
doteditorial December 2017
This festive season, dotmagazine examines what’s involved in keeping your most valuable business assets – your ID, your finances, customer data, and your reputation – safe and secure.