
Feature "Quantum Computing"
Quantum Computing and the Future of Encryption
Quantum computing may still be some years from its breakthrough, but we should be preparing now for security in the post-quantum era

Feature "Encryption"
The Assault on Encryption, and Why It’s Bad for your Business
Restricting encryption is a danger for human rights and public safety, but will also be disastrous for the wider Internet industry, warns Sheetal Kumar from Global Partners Digital.

Feature "Blockchain"
Security and Privacy in Blockchain Environments
Matteo Cagnazzo and Chris Wojzechowski, both researchers at the Institute for Internet Security, explore how security and privacy can be enhanced by blockchain technology.

Feature "Self-regulation"
Bringing Order to the Digital Wild West from the Bottom Up
The strongest argument in favor of bottom-up, multi-stakeholder governance is that it actually works. Vittorio Bertola from Open-Xchange explores why self-regulation of the Internet is better than the alternatives

Feature "Encryption"
Industry 4.0: The Authentication of Things within the Internet of Things – PKI as a Solution Approach
Klaus M. Brisch, LL.M. and Marco Müller-ter Jung, LL.M., from DWF Germany, shed light on the question whether a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in compliance with the security infrastructure implemented by the electronic signature legislation is suitable to establish a secure authentication within the Internet of Things. Numerous applications depend on the communication between different devices and their ability to interact with each other.

Feature "Encryption"
The Core of Digital Trust: Encryption, Identity, and Integrity
In the digital landscape, Simone Catania from InterNetX emphasizes how trust is pivotal, ensuring secure transactions with encryption, identity verification, and integrity amidst rising security threats.

Feature "Data Protection & Privacy"
Emailing – The Good Guys, The Bad Guys and Dysfunctional Relationships
Finding the balance between the desire to get your marketing message out and your need to keep your target customers happy can be difficult. Being one of the good guys is important in overcoming the somewhat dysfunctional relationship between email and marketing, according to Vittorio Bertola from Open-Xchange. Vittorio spoke to dotmagazine on the value of open source, the upcoming changes to EU data protection law, and how not to alienate your customers.

Feature "Encryption"
Encryption – Balancing Needs for IT Security & Law Enforcement
Klaus Landefeld, eco Vice-Chair, looks at ways to enable access to digital evidence internationally, without dismantling security and trust on the Internet.

Feature "Company Security"
Cyber Crime Against Companies – There’s Money to be Made
Security specialist Oliver Dehning from Hornetsecurity talks about protecting companies from cyber crime, encryption, and not throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Feature "Blockchain"
How Blockchain Can Help Make Email Better
Patrick Ben Koetter from the eco Association explores blockchain solutions for email and the need to bring the whole email ecosystem to the table.
Industry Insights "Blockchain"
The Need for Naming Conventions on the Blockchain
When Does a Company Blockchain Project Make Sense?

Feature "Quantum Computing"
A Quantum-Safe Future
An interview with Dr. Joachim Schäfer from IBM on quantum computers, the quantum advantage and quantum-safe encryption.

Feature "Domains"
DNS over HTTPS: Agreeing to Almost Agree
Achieving consensus means all sides have to feel equal amounts of pain, admits Thomas Rickert from the eco Association.

Feature "Encryption"
Bringing DoH to Market – The Story of Promoting Privacy and Making Waves
Patrick Koetter from the eco Association tells the story of the emergence of the DoH protocol as a privacy-enhancing technique, and the diverse reactions to it around the world.