Digital Communication

Feature "Cloud Computing"
Content Management in the Cloud – How to Get Out of the Scaling Trap
Marketers want their campaigns to “go viral.” But what happens when they actually do? Will your CMS withstand a run on your website? Markus Krenn from Arvato Systems elaborates.

Feature "Digital Communication"
Introducing COI: An Open Chat System Based on Email
Vittorio Bertola & Robert Virkus from Open-Xchange, on an open-source, interoperable messaging system freely accessible to nearly 4 bn email users worldwide.

Feature "Online Marketing"
Digital Transformation in Customer Communication: Win-Win Situations for Customers and Brands
Digital transformation successfully applied to customer communication can become a marketing differentiation factor and a crucial part of the brand experience, Lucie Poisson from 1&1 IONOS explains.

Feature "Digital Communication"
How to Communicate to Build Trust
Hanna von der Au, eco Association, on why trust is essential for digital transformation and what communication can do to build trust.

Feature "Digital Communication"
Manage Presence and Achieve More
How presence management makes it possible to work more elegantly in a simple way - Detlev Artelt from aixvox offers advice to companies for the successful transition to new modes of working and managing.